Publication scheme

A guide to accessing information

Below is the type of information we routinely make available, how and where to get it and if there is a charge. If there isn't a fixed price with the information, the following charges apply:

  • paper copies of any information listed in this guide, on our website or by a request
    • A4 or A5 size, black and white - £0.10 per sheet
    • larger sizes, colour prints, maps and acetates - £1 per sheet
  • translating information into other languages - price on application
  • converting to other formats - price on application
  • special delivery or courier - price on application

We waive the right to issue a fees notice if the total cost is less than £5. If we have to outsource this service, we will only charge what we are billed.

Financial information about projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit

Councillor allowances scheme (see appendix 7 of Constitution) and the allowances paid under it to councillors each year. This is reported annually to the Selection and Member Services Committee.

Decision making processes and records of decisions

Internal communications guidance, criteria used for decision-making, internal instructions, manuals and guidelines are available on request, email

Public registers and registers held as public records

The following are available for inspection only:

Information about the services the council provides including leaflets, guidance and newsletters

Details of all council services can be found on this website using the search or from our home page.

Information for visitors to the area:

Media releases and news

Leaflets, booklets and newsletters and other publications by category:

This table shows prices for chargeable publications, leaflets and information.


Information assetCostContact
The Blue Book (Kent County Council's employment terms and conditions)
Commercial value £50,000.
£125 - paper
Free - pdf file
£5000 for licence to re-use commercially
Superannuation fund report and accounts£12 - paper
Free - pdf file
Statement of accounts £12 - paper
Free - pdf file
Legal documents - for example section 38 agreements and deeds£25 - £90 depending on size and
Select list of approved contractors £2000
County park season ticket£40 windscreen sticker
Educational Psychology 'A Pocket Full of Posies' dealing with death and sudden loss in schools.£50 plus postage and packaging (CD-ROM)
Early Years and Childcare Unit-Children's centre participation toolkit£100Partnership Development Officer, Early Years and Childcare Unit, Oakwood House, Oakwood Park, Maidstone, ME16 8AE.
One day self service digital camera licence £10 available at Kent History and Library Centre
Maps and guides including parish path maps£

Archaeological and historic

Information assetCostContact
An Archaeological Framework for the Greater Thames Estuary£
Listed building information £130 per request for a re-use licence for commercial enquiries for MS-Word, Access, GIS shapefile, Excel, hard
1999 aerial photographs

£130 per request for a re-use lice once for commercial enquiries MS-Word, Access, GIS shapefile, Excel, Hard copy.

Areas of archaeological potential
Crop marks
Historic environment record
Historic landscape characterisation
Historic parks and gardens
Sections of archaeological reports (including towns survey reports)
Printouts of GIS data including historic mapping
Scheduled monuments

Land enquiries

Information assetCostContact
Landscape assessment - Romney Marsh£30
Landscape assessment - North East Kent£30
Landscape assessment - North West Kent£30 photocopy
Landscape assessment - Greensand Belt£30
Landscape assessment - The Eastern Swale Marshes and the Eastern Fruit Belt£20
Landscape assessment - The Low Weald£20
Landscape assessment - The High Weald£8
Landscape assessment - The Kent Downs£8
Landscape assessment - The Kent Thames Gateway£40

Public rights of way

See PROW and Common Land and Village Green fees and charges.

To apply for any of the assets email