Sturry link road

As part of the Sturry link road scheme, there will be a road built that crosses both the railway and the Great Stour river. It would allow traffic to avoid the level crossing and support the planned new housing developments for Sturry and Broad Oak.

The link road would start at a new junction on the A28 and head north across the Great Stour and railway line. A combined viaduct solution is likely rather than individual bridges. This is because the ground conditions are poor and the Great Stour runs close to the railway. Also, the route the road can take is restricted.

From the railway the road would turn east to connect back to the A291. Where the road runs will partly be influenced by the layout of the proposed housing development. The idea at this stage is for a junction in the area of (E) that would allow separate connections to be made to the A291 and A28.

The link road would open up opportunities for improvements to the station including a car park. If a new pedestrian footbridge was provided as part of a station upgrade the pedestrian crossing could be closed - Milner Crossing (G).

The new road would be close to another level crossing at Broad Oak (H). The link road would open up the potential opportunity to close the crossing if a suitable connection to the link road could be achieved.

The £29.6m project has been secured by Kent County Council, with £5.9m from the Local Growth Fund obtained from the South East Local Enterprise Partnership, and the £23.7m match funding.

Scheme plan

Sturry Link Road scheme plan (PDF, 1.7 MB)

Sturry Link Road Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) (PDF, 156.7 KB)

Sturry Link Road consultation booklet (PDF, 4.9 MB)

Sturry Link Road consultation report (PDF, 4.0 MB)

Formal decision

The approval to progress the Sturry link road was taken by Kent County Council on:

The decision by the SELEP Accountability Board to grant Local Growth Funding for the Sturry link road was made on the 24 June 2016.

Consent Decision Notice (PDF, 266.9 KB)

Environmental surveys and reports

For a copy of the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal email

2022 Addendum to Vertigo moulinsiana surveys of Sturry Marshes report (PDF, 2.5 MB)

Beaver survey report (PDF, 4.8 MB)

Great Crested Newt eDNA survey report (PDF, 2.8 MB)

Otter survey report (PDF, 10.2 MB)

Preliminary tree roost assessment (PDF, 4.6 MB)

Water vole survey report (PDF, 12.1 MB)

The A28 through Sturry gets congested because the level crossing interrupts traffic. The new road would allow traffic to avoid the level crossing and improve access to Sturry station.

The road will also support the planned housing developments in Sturry and Broad Oak, where up to 1,000 houses are proposed.

  • Surveys and outline designs - spring 2017
  • Public consultation before planning - summer 2017
  • Planning consent granted - September 2021
  • Procurement of a design and build contract - February 2024
  • Detailed design - spring 2024 to winter 2025
  • Construction - spring 2025 to winter 2026.

The public consultation before planning has now closed for comments but the consultation report and accompanying documents are available under the scheme plan section on this page.

Compulsory Purchase Order 2023 and Side Roads Order 2023

The next stage in the development of the A28 Sturry Link Road is the acquisition of land and rights to enable the scheme to be built.

A Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) has been published to secure the necessary land and rights, and to give certainty to the construction programme. However, negotiations with landowners will continue to try and acquire the land by agreement.

A statutory order known as a Side Roads Order (SRO) has also been published that will give authority for improvements to the highway and changes to access to some land necessitated by the Sturry Link Road scheme.

The CPO and SRO were published on 30 November 2023. The Secretary of State for Transport will consider the Orders and if objections are received, may instruct a public inquiry before taking a decision.

The Orders

Scheme plans

Design and access

Traffic modelling

Public engagement

Road safety audit

Planning policy

SELEP funding

S106 Agreements

Environment Statement and related reports

The following documents can be found on our planning applications website:

  • Environmental Statement Non-technical Summary - June 2021
  • Environmental Statement Vol 2 main text - March 2019
  • Environmental Statement Update - June 2021
  • Environmental Statement Vol 3 Figures 1.1 to 8.1
  • Environmental Statement Vol 3 Figures 8.2 to 8.16
  • Environmental Statement Vol 3 Figures 8.17 to 11.6a
  • Environmental Statement Vol 3 Figures 11.6b to 14.2
  • Environmental Statement Vol 3 Figures 14.3 to 18.1
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 Appendices contents
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 1.1 Land at Sturry Masterplan
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 4.1 Consultation responses
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 5.1Construction Environmental Management Plan
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 6.1 Design and Access Statement Part 1
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 6.1 Design and Access Statement Part 2
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 8.1 Dust Risk Assessment Tables
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 8.2 Detailed Modelling Methodology
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 8.3 Detailed Modelling Results
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 8.4 Mitigation of Temporary Effects
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 8.5 Traffic Modelling Summary
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 9.1 Archaeological Desk Based Assessment
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 10.1 Landscape Proposal
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 11.1 Ecology Baseline Report
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 11.2 Habitat Regulations Assessment
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 14.1 Traffic Data for Noise Assessment
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 14.2 Noise Survey Results and Calibration Certificates
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 14.3 Operational Noise Results
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 16.1 Flood Risk and Drainage Strategy part 1
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 16.1 Flood Risk and Drainage Strategy part 2
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 16.2 HAWRAT (Highways Agency Water Risk Assessment Tool)
  • Environmental Statement Vol 4 - 17.1 Greenhouse gases
  • Air Quality Assessment Addendum - February 2020
  • Attenuation Ponds for Saline Treatments Plan - Illustrative
  • Ecology and Nature Conservation Addendum - September 2019
  • Flood Risk Assessment Addendum - April 2020
  • Preliminary Sources Study and Contamination Assessment Report - November 2016
  • Wetland Habitat Restoration Plan - Illustrative

Planning permission

County Council Governance

Equalities Impact Assessment

CPO and SRO Preparation Guidance

To contact us or for further information about this scheme email

Funded by

The government Growth Deal provides money to the South East Local Enterprise Partnership, funding projects which drive Kent’s economic and business growth.