Rennie Drive Fastrack junction improvement and southbound bus lane
About the scheme
This scheme was part of Kent’s Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) and was funded by the government as part of the National Bus Strategy (NBS) to improve our network and encourage greater bus use, helping to make services more sustainable in the future.
The improvements to the Rennie Drive Fastrack junction will cut the journey time by 2 minutes. Fastrack vehicles will also be able to travel along Rennie Drive in both directions.Fastrack is Kent’s busiest service. It is Kent’s only 24-hour service, which travels through the proposed scheme site. These services are vital for people across north Kent, who use them to access jobs at the Littlebrook site, including many key businesses, such as Amazon, Ikea, and Coca-Cola.
We made improvements to the layout and traffic signals to:
- allow Fastrack buses to turn left or right in or out of the junction
- allow greater pedestrian and cycle use
- create a new southbound bus lane within Rennie Drive up to the Fastrack roundabout.
The changes:
- support economic growth by improving the journey time and reliability of Fastrack services
- maintain a reliable Fastrack network in conjunction with the increase in passenger numbers
- reduce the impact of Dartford crossing congestion on Fastrack services
- improve bus services in Kent.
Latest updates
- Phase 1 works (including advance work by UKPN) were completed on 28 November.
- Phase 2 and 3 works by UKPN were completed in February 2024.
The main construction works started in March 2024 and were completed in early December 2024.
Scheme documents
- Issue 7 (PDF, 797.1 KB)
- Issue 6 (PDF, 559.1 KB)
- Issue 5 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
- Issue 4 (PDF, 979.6 KB)
- Issue 3 (PDF, 615.9 KB)
- Issue 2 (PDF, 976.4 KB)
- Issue 1 (PDF, 597.5 KB)
General site arrangement maps
- Rennie Drive Junction Improvement - General Site Arrangements (map 1 of 2) (PDF, 874.3 KB).
- Rennie Drive Junction Improvement - General Site Arrangements (map 2 of 2) (PDF, 886.5 KB).
Scheme cost
The scheme's budget is £2.5 million. The Department of Transport (DfT) will fund it as part of National Bus Strategy (NBS) funding. The funding was awarded to deliver selected Kent Bus Service Improvement (BSIP) initiatives.
Funded by UK government
This project is a Kent Enhanced Partnership Initiative which has been made possible thanks to funding from UK Government.