Take part in Kent Green Action

Image of the Kent year of green action

Every day we make choices that affect the world around us, and by making informed choices we can create a healthier environment for ourselves and for future generations. We can all make a difference now, and in the future.

We have lots of ideas to support you to promote collective action, including advice for community groups. No action is too big, or too small.

Our plans are focused around 3 important themes:

  1. Connect with nature
  2. Protect our local environment
  3. Enhance your environment.

Connect with nature

By improving our understanding of the natural world, we can understand the effect of our actions too.

One of the simplest ways to connect with nature is by heading outside and marvelling at the beauty within Kent:

Protect our environment

Everyday actions can create significant change.

Individuals, communities and businesses can all reduce their impact through their decision making. For example:

Enhance your environment

There are many ways we can all help to enrich our environment for the benefit of nature and our communities. For instance:

  • plant pollinator friendly flowers at your home or office
  • get involved in local conservation projects through your local countryside partnership
  • grow your own fruits and vegetables
  • create friendly bird boxes
  • volunteer for beach cleans or litter picks.