Green action in your community
If you're part of a local community group, or even looking to start one, there are lots of things you could get involved in.
We've pulled together some ideas you can put to use in your community, but we'd love to hear about your own projects and ideas. Connect with us on Facebook or Twitter and tag us in your posts so we can share your great work!
If you're looking for a community group in your local area, you could search for local groups on The Conservation Volunteers website.
Nature and trees
Sign the Woodland Trust Tree Charter and set up a group to support your local woods against development, or join our own Tree Warden Network.
Ask your parish or town council to take over a highway verge, which could then be used for biodiversity or conservation projects.
Organise a neighbourhood plan to protect local trees, habitats and natural features, or add these features to your existing neighbourhood plan.
Arrange local community celebrations to celebrate your local woodlands. May fayres, tree dressing and Oak Apple Day (May 29) are great opportunities to unite communities and introduce children to celebrating nature.
Promote commemorative or celebratory tree planting locally. Trees can be wonderfully symbolic gifts for milestone events such as births, birthdays and weddings, they can also be a potent memorial to a loved one. The best time to plant is from October to February, using native bio-secure species. For more details read our tree planting advice.
Create a wildlife pond to increase and improve habitats for great crested newts and other important local wildlife. The Medway Valley Countryside Partnership are offering funding for eligible wildlife pond projects. For details email
Renewable energy
Invest in a local community energy project from Kent Community Energy.
See if an electric vehicle could benefit your community group, and trial an electric van for free with Kent REVS.
Apply for our electric vehicle charge point scheme via your parish, town or community council.
Equipment hire
Save money on your conservation projects by hiring landscaping equipment from the Medway Valley Countryside Partnership (MVCP) at no charge.
They lend community groups hand tools such as:
- spades, forks and loppers
- bow saws and hammers
- gloves and litter pickers.
For more information email
Meet other groups and their representatives by joining with other local conservation groups such as the Medway Valley Countryside Partnership. Their Thursday Action Group (TAG) help to deliver important conservation projects across the area.
Find other groups and partnerships promoting countryside volunteering.