Annual health check video transcript

[TITLE: what happens during an annual health check]

Harry: People with a learning disability can see the doctor annually, have a health check, to discuss issues and concerns.

Josie: The first health check I had they asked me questions they asked me about my disability, about my balance, about how I cope at home, things like that. So yes, everything was good.

Harry: They checked my heart, my ears.

Leroy: My diabetes.

Lorraine: My cholesterol, my weight.

John: Blood pressure, and blood sugar.

[Title: Why is it important to have an annual health check?]

Leroy: It helps when you have one because it will tell you where your health is improving and where it's not.

Lorraine: I do the annual health checks every year, I also want to keep more healthy, because I actually started a running group.

Ciara: I could have some kind of illness, and not know about it.

[Title: What support can you ask for?]

Harry: I always like to say 'can you repeat that again?' or 'can you make that crystal clear?'

Ciara: Making reasonable adjustments are things like, making information easy read.

Youssef: My GP surgery phones me, because sometimes I forget with my epilepsy.

Lorraine: They give me longer appointments.

Dean: Sometimes people do need more time to understand exactly what's going on and health is a really important issue. So it's really important that people give them that time.

Ciara: Making sure that you're supported by somebody who knows you and you trust.

Dean: Very often I take someone with me as well just because I get very nervous in those kind of situations and so they explain information to me and make it clearer.

[Title: to find out more go to Mencap, the voice of learning disability]