Bus passes for a disabled person and companion
Some bus services are changing. Check service availability with your bus operator and read our summary of the changes to bus services before applying for or using your bus pass.
Free off-peak travel on local bus services for you and a companion, between 9:30am and 11pm, Monday to Friday and all day at weekends and public holidays.
Find out more about how you can use your pass.
You can get a disabled person and companion bus pass if you:
- are eligible for a disabled person's bus pass
- can't travel alone
- live in Kent.
Your companion
You can travel with or without your companion, who:
- should be a suitable adult
- can be a young carer, if registered as one
- does not have to be the same person each time you travel
- can only travel with you for free in Kent and Medway. If they travel without you, the pass will be confiscated and may be withheld.
You can apply for a disabled person and companion bus pass by:
- phone: 03000 41 83 83, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. You will need to send us copies of your supporting documents by post.
- post: download a disabled person and companion bus pass application form (PDF, 98.9 KB).
Send your application and/or supporting documents to: ENCTS, Kent County Hall, Contact Point, Invicta House, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1XX.
If you live in Medway, you'll need to apply for a bus pass on the Medway Council website.
Supporting documents
Send us copies rather than original documents as we are unable to return them to you. As part of the application process you'll need to send:
1. A photo of yourself
You'll need to provide a passport style photograph from the past year with your name and postcode on the back.
2. A copy of proof of address
Choose 1 of the following, a copy of:
- your driving licence
- a utility bill from within the last year
- a bank or credit card statement from within the last year
- a Council Tax bill from within the last year.
3. A copy of proof of eligibility
All documents should either be recent (within the last 12 months) and/or should state either the expected duration of your condition, or that there is no expected improvement.
Choose 1 of the following, if you:
Send us either:
- a Kent Association for the Blind registration card, showing that you are registered as blind or partially sighted
- or a letter from an eye specialist confirming that you are blind or partially sighted.
Send us either:
- a Social Services registration letter and orange registration card
- or an audiological report from an aural specialist indicating hearing loss has reached 70 to 95 dBHL.
Send us either:
- evidence from the last 12 months that you receive Personal Independence Payment (PIP) with a score of at least 8 points on the 'communicating verbally' activities, for example PIP award letter
- or a letter from a doctor confirming that you are unable to make clear, basic oral requests, for example to ask for a particular destination or fare.
Send us either:
- recent evidence that you receive Personal Independence Payment (PIP) with a score of at least 8 points on the 'moving around' activities
- recent evidence that you are in receipt of War Pensioners Mobility Supplement
- or a letter from a doctor confirming that you have a disability or have suffered an injury which has a substantial and long-term effect on your ability to walk.
Send us a letter from a doctor confirming that you are unable to use your arms to carry out day-to-day tasks such as paying coins into a fare machine.
Send us either:
- a Social Services registration letter and orange registration card
- a letter from a doctor confirming that you have difficulty in learning new skills or may be unable to cope independently. The disabilities must have started before adulthood and have a lasting effect on development
- or for children above fare paying age - a letter from the head teacher at their school confirming eligibility as defined.
Send us either:
- letter from the DVLA indicating refusal or withdrawal of your licence for a minimum of 12 months
- a letter from a doctor confirming that you are unfit to drive, detailing the reason and the length of time for which you will be unfit to drive.
This category includes disabilities that would cause someone to be a danger to the public if they drive, for example; dementia, cardiac disorders, severe mental disorders and long term epilepsy.
4. A copy of proof you can't travel alone
Choose 1 of the following copies, which must be no more than 12 months old:
- your most recent Disability Living Allowance (DLA) uprated letter with higher rate mobility component or care component with a period of entitlement of at least 12 months
- evidence you receive attendance allowance at the higher rate
- evidence you receive Personal Independence Payment (PIP) with a score of at least 8 points on the 'moving around' and/or 'communicating verbally' activities or enhanced rate
- evidence you are registered blind or partially sighted
- a letter from a doctor confirming you are unable to travel alone and the reason for this.
After you apply
Once you have applied and sent in all the requested documentation, we will assess your application. You pass may be delayed if all requested documentation is not supplied.
Find out when you will receive your pass.
When your pass expires
Companion passes are currently automatically renewed annually 2 weeks before they are due to expire. If you have not received your new pass by a week before the old one expires, call 03000 418383.