A299 Thanet Way - Chestfield Tunnel

A contraflow is currently in place on the London-bound lane along the length of the Chestfield Tunnel on the A299 Thanet Way.

We identified safety critical faults with the jet fans in the ventilation system during a routine inspection in June 2024. The jet fans are one of the primary safety systems in the tunnel. They are critical to ensuring fire crews can safely evacuate people in the event of a fire in the tunnel. As well as safely venting away traffic pollution.

About the works

The jet fans are specialist pieces of equipment. They are manufactured and reconditioned to order and need specialist teams to deliver and install them.

Emergency works were undertaken in June to repair some of the fans. This allowed for a lane in each direction in contraflow through the westbound tunnel to be used safely by the public.

Our priority is to get the ventilation system working safely, so all lanes of both the west bound and east bound tunnels can be opened in the autumn. This means the contraflow system can be removed.

Once the tunnel is fully open, we will work with a specialist company to redesign and install a new and efficient ventilation system during 2025. This will ensure continued service for many years to come.

Latest updates

29 August 2024

A specialist contractor has inspected the broken fans. They checked which parts can be salvaged and which need replacing.

We've sourced replacements for the faulty parts. A specialist contractor will be appointed in the next few weeks to refurbish the fans on site.

After refurbishing the fans, we will test them for safety. Specialists will then install the fans and remove the contraflow.

Also, on the eastbound road between the Chestfield Tunnel and the Herne Bay slip road, lane one had an uneven surface and it was unfortunately unsafe to use. We resurfaced the road to smooth it overnight and finished in the early hours of Thursday, 29 August. The road has returned to the original contraflow system.

Repairs to the westbound carriageway took place overnight from 26 August.

Previous updates


We expect the works, testing and installation will be completed by the end of October. This is subject to availability of specialists and parts.