Independence skills for blind 0-25 year olds

Independence training (sometimes called habilitation) helps children and young people get around and become more independent. It is available for 0 to 25 year olds with who have a medical diagnosis from their GP of moderate, severe and profound levels of visual impairment or blindness.

Training is available upon an request. The request allows us to decide the level of training you or your child needs through an assessment.

Support is available from our:

Request an assessment

Under 18

Speak to your child's school or preschool in the first instance. They will make a referral to the Specialist Teaching and Learning Service for an assessment.

Over 18

Contact Kent Association for the Blind (KAB) for an assessment. Following the assessment we'll put a mobility programme together to meet your or your child's needs.

How we'll support your child

By training your child to use specialist techniques and equipment (such as long canes) we'll help them develop the ability to move safely and independently at home, school and in the community.

We have a 'can do' approach and encourage parents and staff to support independent movement.

Your child's mobility programme will be reviewed each year and we'll invite you to come to a review meeting.

Specialist teachers for visual impairment will support your child's school to provide an appropriate curriculum.

If your child has complex needs

If your child has complex needs we'll provide training to other professionals involved with your child to make sure they understand the impact of sight loss.

We'll also train them to develop skills for movement and experiencing the world within the child's personalised programme.