Year 9 annual reviews
When your child starts Year 9, they will plan for their future in their annual review. They will do this with you and professionals.
The annual review will outline the support they will need. It will also identify what actions should be taken and by who. Your child's school must work with you to shape their education, health, and care (EHC) plan. They must also help define your child's life outcomes after they turn 16.
Who will be invited to the annual review meeting
The annual review meeting allows you and professionals to help support your child to plan their future. Those who can attend are:
- your child
- you (parents or carers)
- a social worker
- health professionals supporting your child
- a member of staff from your child's school. This may include the headteacher if appropriate.
- a member of our staff (they may not be able to attend every annual review meeting).
What is in the annual review
As part of their annual review, a transition plan will be created. Including key topics such as:
- community inclusion
- employment
- health
- independent living
- their aspirations
- their ambitions
- adulthood in general.
Help given through the annual review
The annual review must help your child:
- undertake work experience
- find a job
- understand benefits
- to take part and build relationships in the community. Including support with activities in the community.
- find suitable links that lead to outcomes for:
- prepare for independent living
- plan continuing health services from children to adult services. To help them to understand which health professional may work with them as adults. This should include, the creation of a health action plan. Including annual health checks for those with learning disabilities using the Ready Steady Go.
Year 9 annual reviews should be person-centred. They should consider what is working, what is not working well, and what is important to the young person. As well as what's important for the young person as they progress towards adult life.
Your child's new EHC plan must include any transition planning. It should set clear and ambitious goals. These goals will support them and prepare them for adulthood.
To read more in detail of these topics visit the Preparing for Adulthood website.
Further support
For additional support and advice about how to prepare for adulthood, you can:
- read a helpful annual review guide from the Disabled Children's Council
- find out more about the annual review process in Kent
- learn how the preparation for adulthood core standards can support your child when moving into the later stages of education.