Everyday health services

Most health services are available to everyone and you do not need an assessment or referral to use them. Everyday health services can meet the needs of many children and young people with special educational needs.

If you live in Medway, visit their local offer.

Before you go to an appointment

It's a good idea to let the person you're seeing know that you may need a reasonable adjustment. A reasonable adjustment can include:

  • a longer appointment
  • easy read documents to explain the appointment
  • clearer signs to get there.

Learn more about reasonable adjustments.

Types of general health services

Your child or young person can access a variety of health services to meet their health needs, as well as specialist and targeted services. Services may differ depending on where in Kent you live.

A General Practitioner (GP) treats a wide range of health issues, including:

  • general health advice
  • contraception
  • maternity services
  • vaccinations.

Visit the NHS website to find out how to register with your local GP.

If your child has a learning disability, you can join the Learning Disability Register. It is a record of all those living with a learning disability.

The NHS have made a toolkit for parents. It explains where to get help and gives advice on common health problems. It also lists items for the home medicine cabinet.

What happens when you visit the doctor

When you visit the doctor, they will sit down and discuss any concerns that you have. They're there to listen to you and to support you.

For an easy read guide to your GP visit read:

Annual health checks

If your child is over the age of 14 with a learning disability, they are also entitled to an annual health check.

If a GP cannot see you, we recommend that you visit your local pharmacist. A pharmacist can help you with minor health concerns, like:

  • coughs, sore throats and colds
  • ear infections
  • tummy troubles
  • aches and pains.

You can find them on the high street, in your supermarket, or online. They are usually open till late and you don't need to make an appointment.

For an easy read guide to pharmacies:

Dentists are available for everyone to use. Some disabilities or medical conditions make it harder to see a dentist.

If this is the case, your dentist will refer you to a specialist community dental service. A specialist dentist can work in a hospital or a health center. Speak with your dentist to ask whether they can treat you.

Referrals to a specialist community dental service can be for:

  • children with extensive untreated tooth decay, who are particularly anxious or uncooperative
  • children with physical or learning disabilities or medical conditions
  • children who are 'looked after' or on the 'at risk register'
  • young people with complex needs, who have proven difficulty in accessing or accepting care. This includes those with moderate, severe learning, physical disabilities or mental health problems adults with medical conditions housebound or homeless people.

To find out more about the community dental care available in your area, contact NHS England on 0300 311 2233 or visit the NHS website.

What happens when you visit the dentist

The dentist will check the health of your teeth at your appointment. They will use special equipment, give you advice to help to clean your teeth and they may take an x-ray of your mouth.

To find out more about your visit you can:

The NHS recommends that you should have your eyes tested every 2 years.

Free eye tests are available for children and young people aged 0 to 18. From 18 onwards, you may need to pay for an eye test. Find out if you are eligible for free tests or a mobile sight test.

Free NHS sight tests will also be made available within all special school settings, the government and NHS England confirmed June 2023.

As part of the NHS Long Term Plan, more sight tests will be available in special schools in 2024.

If you are eligible for a mobile sight test, an optometrist may be able to visit you at home, or at a day centre if you:

  • cannot leave your home or care home unaccompanied
  • have a physical or mental illness
  • have a physical or mental disability
  • have difficulties communicating your health needs unaided.

What happens when you visit the opticians

The optician will check your eyes using a number of tests. To find out what happens when you visit the opticians you can:

Other easy read documents you may be interested in reading:

If you're looking for additional general support at home, our Disabled Children's or Young People's Team can assess your child and your family's needs, including:

Find out how we can help you.

Visiting an urgent care or walk in centre

If you need urgent medical attention, you can visit an urgent care or walk in centre. You must not visit if it is a life threatening situation.

Visit the NHS website to find out when you should go to an urgent care and walk in centre.

Visiting a hospital

Sometimes your child may need to visit a hospital to:

  • receive support and treatment
  • attend A&E
  • see a relative.

Find out more about visiting a hospital.

When visiting make sure you bring their health passport.

The Health Visiting Service is a workforce of specialist community public health nurses who provide expert advice, support and interventions for families expecting a new baby or those with children under 5 years old.

The service works in line with the national Healthy Child Programme, which aims to promote health and wellbeing for all children.

The school public health service supports children and young people in Kent both attending and not attending school. They lead and deliver key elements of the Healthy Child Programme, including the National Childhood Measurement Programme. They work closely with schools and families to deliver early intervention and to support the health and wellbeing of children and young people aged 5 to 18 years old.

The service is led by qualified nurses with specialist training in public health. They are supported by:

  • school staff nurses
  • assistant practitioners
  • public health assistants
  • an administration team
  • health visitors
  • community paediatricians
  • schools.

Find out more about the school public health service.

Start for Life aims to improve the health of babies and children, from conception, throughout pregnancy and up to the age of 2.

This time is really important for healthy development. We want to support parents-to-be and mums, dads and carers to give their children the best foundations for future health and happiness.

Find out what universal support is available.

Over 60 GP practises in Kent offer the Involve Children's Health and Wellbeing Navigator Service.

A care navigator is based at the surgery and is for children and young people aged 0 to 25 who have a long term health condition, particularly with mental health concerns or neurodevelopmental issues (autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).

Once long-term support is needed, the care navigator will work with you to understand their concerns and challenges. Afterwards, they'll help coordinate care, provide information and guidance, and make sure you're aware of and engaged with relevant services.

Ask your GP if you can receive support from your local care navigator.

Before you call 999, you should contact NHS 111.

NHS 111 can help if you need urgent medical help or you're not sure what to do. They will ask questions about your symptoms so you get the help you need.

If you need to go to A&E, NHS 111 will book an arrival time. This might mean you spend less time in A&E. This also helps with social distancing.

It's available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Get help from NHS 111 online