Know your score quiz, no risk score - video transcript for Leah Coleman

This is the transcript for the video that is part of the results of the know your score quiz.

A short video presentation by Leah Coleman, Team Lead at One You Kent. Leah will tell you your score, and talk about the risks associated with your current level of drinking.

Leah: "Hi. Thank you for taking the time to Know Your score. So, your results show there are no risks associated with alcohol. Which is great.

If you do have a drink though, remember to stick within the recommended guidelines of no more than 14 units a week, and it's best to spread your drinking over about 3 days. So thank you for taking the time to Know Your score. If you feel like your friends and family would benefit from taking this test, then please share it with them."

The final frame of the video is the animated Know Your Score logo over the web address for further details: