Know your score quiz, increasing risk score - video transcript for Leah Coleman
This is the transcript for the video that is part of the results of the know your score quiz.
A short video presentation by Leah Coleman, Team Lead at One You Kent. Leah will tell you your score, and talk about the risks associated with your current level of drinking.
Leah: "Hi, your results show that your drinking puts you at increasing risk, which is high enough to put your health at risk. Drinking at this current level could risk your relationships not only at home but at work too, and could also cause you some health issues such as high blood pressure or depression.
As a quick reminder one unit is roughly a single measure of spirits, two units is a standard glass of wine or a standard pint of beer or cider, and three units is roughly a large glass of wine or a stronger pint of beer or cider.
If you need any tips on how to try to lower your alcohol intake you could try drinking alcoholic drinks with a lower alcohol content or you could try alternating your drinks so you have an alcoholic drink and then a non-alcoholic drink.
There is a chance that with this score you could develop an alcohol dependence which is why it is really important that you have two days a week that are alcohol free to keep your score within a low-risk category. If you feel that any of your friends or family would benefit from taking this test, then please share this with them."
The final frame of the video is the animated Know Your Score logo over the web address for further details: