Social Connections Service - information for professionals

Family Group Conferences

The Social Connections Service provides coordinators who take an neutral role in facilitating Family Group Conferences. They bring together relevant professionals, with wider family and friends to make safe plans for young people at risk of harm. Social workers and early help workers can refer to this service.

Lifelong Links

Another service provided is Lifelong Links. This is a service for young people in care who want to know more about their wider family, either to help them understand their identity or to reconnect. This is a young person led process, a coordinator will work with the young person to help them identify who they may want to connect with. They will ensure searching is safe and the young person is seeking positive connections who will support them now and when they leave care. Child in care social workers and 18+ personal advisors can refer.

More about our service

To find out more about the service read our leaflets:

The information for families and young people is on the following pages of this website:

If you need to contact the Social Connections Service: