The Kent Pathways Service
Our Kent Pathways Service supports:
- young people aged 16 to 25
- adults over the age of 26 with a learning disability
- adults who have health and social care needs.
We will support you for between 1 and 12 weeks to become more independent and develop life skills to improve your quality of life.
Our support can be inside or outside your home, and we will agree a plan with you that sets out your goals and how to achieve them.
It will not cost you anything to have support from a Kent Pathways Service worker.
What we can help with
We will work with you to help you improve your independence in an area of your life you need help. This could be making new friends, getting fit or active or learning to travel independently.
The Kent Pathways Service can help you with:
- preparing for work
- cooking
- housework
- budgeting
- going shopping
- activities
- housing support
- keeping safe in the community and at home
- keeping well
- finding a college course
- finding out what equipment can help you and how to use it
- finding work.
Success stories
We supported Robert to look for social activities and develop skills to do more for himself. He is now much more independent and does not need as much support as before. He makes his own breakfast and lunch and has made friends at the activities he goes to.
Christine wanted to learn to cook, so we supported her to prepare main meals. Christine went on to make sausage casserole on her own, and now does not need as much support as before.
Matthew said came to us for employment support. We supported Matthew to find voluntary work at a hospital and helped him to complete an application form and go for an interview. Matthew now enjoys volunteering at Canterbury Hospital.
"The walking group is good and brilliant. I have loads of lovely friends there and I met my boyfriend there too."
"I really love it, I like helping people across the road and I wear high viz to help people see me, I am also first aid trained. I have lost weight since walking and I help with the register in the group. I like making new friends."
How we've supported others
Watch our video to hear from James and Warren to find out how they have become more independent from the help given by our Kent Pathway Service Support Staff.
Request support
If you want to access Kent Pathways Service please speak to your social worker or case officer.
If you would like to find out more information about Kent Pathways:
- call 03000 411345 (Monday to Friday)
- text relay: 18001 03000 411345
- email
- download our easy read Kent Pathways Service guide (PDF, 1.3 MB).