
  1. Parking at Trosley Country Park

    Find out how much it costs to park at Trosley Country Park and how many spaces we have.

  2. Parking tickets and fines

    Information on what to do if you have received a parking ticket.

  3. Parking at White Horse Wood Country Park

    Find out how much it costs to park at White Horse Woods Country Park and how many spaces we have.

  4. Parking at Teston Bridge Country Park

    Find out how much it costs to park at Teston Bridge Country Park and how many spaces we have.

  5. Parking at Pegwell Bay Country Park

    Find out how much it costs to park at Pegwell Bay Country Park and how many spaces we have.

  6. Disabled parking spaces

    Contact your district council to find where disabled parking spaces are or to apply for a disabled parking bay outside your house.

  7. Services your district council provides

    Contact your district council for queries including bin collections, Council Tax, parking, flytipping, licences and residential planning applications.

  8. Apply for or renew a Blue Badge

    Apply for or renew your Blue Badge, check you're eligible, how much it costs and what to send.

  9. Report misuse of a Blue Badge

    If you see a badge being misused please report it to us.

  10. Yellow lines

    How yellow lines are used and how to apply for new restrictions.

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