Wildlife and plant habitats at Shorne Woods Country Park
Shorne Woods Country Park is home to a diverse range of plants and animals – many of which you will be able to discover during your visit. The woodlands, meadow and grassland are perfect for many different species of animals and wildflowers to thrive and are part of what make Shorne Woods such a special place in Kent.
With so many different habitats, Shorne Woods is home to many different animals. Some, including foxes, grey squirrels and rabbits, you’ll be able to spot while walking round the park. Others are harder to spot, like the badgers that live to the north of the park.
There are also many species of bats at Shorne Woods, including:
- brown long-eared bat
- common pipistrelle
- Daubenton’s bat
- Natterer’s bat
- noctule bat
- serotine bat
- soprano pipistrelle.
Reptiles and amphibians
The ponds and woodland glades at Shorne Woods provide a suitable habitat for different reptiles and amphibians, including:
- common frog
- common lizard
- common toad
- grass snake
- slow worm
- palmate newt
- smooth newt.
The great crested newt can also be found in the ponds at Shorne Woods. As a European protected species, the great crested newt is an important part of the Shorne Woods family, and we are pleased that they are doing so well at the park.
You will be able to spot many of Shorne Woods’ birds in the trees and around the ponds, from bullfinches and woodpeckers to tree pipits and nightingales. Our rangers have also spotted a family of tawny owls, a kingfisher and some colourful ring-necked parakeets. If you are very lucky, you might even see buzzards, kestrels and red kites hunting for prey in the woods.
Seven species of fish have been spotted in our ponds, including:
- eels
- crucian carp
- carp
- cerch
- roach
- rudd
- tench.
Butterflies, moths and dragonflies
Shorne Woods is the perfect place to see some of the UK’s most colourful butterflies and moths. The ponds are also ideal to spot some of the 15 species of dragonflies and damselflies, including the very rare red-veined darter and downy emerald.
Wildflowers and flora
Shorne Woods Country Park includes 2 very distinct areas of woodland, known as Randall Wood and Brewer’s Wood. In both areas there are several veteran trees, including:
- sycamore
- hornbeam
- sweet chestnut
- oak
- poplar
- yew.
You’ll also be able to spot many different types of fungi, some of which are uncommon in the UK like the mealy bigfoot webcap and the golden milkcap.
Bluebells can also be seen in the spring.