Our wardens are out and about in your community to help keep you safe.
If you are over 18, feeling low, isolated or concerned about a practical life issue maybe a community connector can help you towards positive wellbeing.
Child protection in Kent.
Find support and advice about scans, crime prevention and how to join Neighbourhood Watch.
Teacher in Your Pocket (TEPO) is filled with helpful videos to share important messages and information with people who might not be online.
Report an adult safeguarding concern of an adult. Contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Alerts about scams, doorstep criminals and doorstep sellers in Kent.
If a crime is in progress or life is in danger, call 999. For non-emergencies call 101.
Support available for victims of domestic abuse in Kent.
Find out how to report a problem and who to contact if you need consumer advice.