Public rights of way projects

The Rights of Way Improvement Plan aims to provide a high quality, well maintained public rights of way network.

Delivering the plan

A Single Local Growth Fund project to provide small scale local improvements on routes to education and employment across the county. The project will deliver 7 rights of way improvement schemes between 2015 and 2021 to a value of £1.3 million. These are designed to provide sustainable transport connections around new housing developments.

Active travel

We want to encourage the residents of Kent to walk and cycle more. To do this we are introducing pedestrian and cyclist zones in and around some of Kent's towns.

For more information about these changes visit our active travel page.

Coastal access

This project will improve coastal access around the entire Kent coastline in accordance with the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.

The first stretches of the England Coast Path in Kent were officially opened on 19 July 2016 between Ramsgate and Camber Sands. This section of England’s newest national trail provides 66 miles (106km) of access past some of the regions finest landscape and historical landmarks.