Highway pre-application advice

We can provide advice on planning applications that will have an affect on any part of the highway. This can be for a small single building proposal to a large major housing development. We charge a fee for this service.

Request advice

Complete the request advice form (PDF, 238.6 KB) .

You will need to include:

  • confirmation of the existing use of the site, including planning application history where appropriate
  • sketch plans and description of the proposal
  • scoping for Transport Statement or Transport Assessment, if required by the scale of the development
  • any other information critical to the consideration of the proposal at this pre-application stage
  • written confirmation that the charge will be paid within 14 days of an invoice.

Email all completed forms and the required information to the below email addresses.

For sites in:


The fee depends on the type and size of the proposal. You will receive a written response providing an indication of the appropriate highway policies, standards and guidance against which the proposal will be assessed and a recheck of any amendments proposed following our first response.  An online meeting or a site visit may be undertaken for the larger more complex proposals at our discretion and prior to our written response. We aim to provide our response within 21 days of receipt of the fee.

For residential planning permission:

Number of dwellingsCost (excluding VAT)
1 to 5£290 
6 to 10£600
11 to 25£890
26 to 50£1,190
51 to 80£1,790
81 to 200£2,430
201 to 500£3,040
501 to 1000£3,650
1001 or more£4,870

For commercial and retail planning permission:

Gross floor areaCost (excluding VAT)
up to 100m2£290
101m2 to 500m2£610
501m2 to 1000m2£910
1001m2 to 2000m2£1,220
2001m2 to 7500m2£1,830
7501m2 to 10,000m2£2,430
10,001m2 to 15,000m2£3,040
15,001m2 to 25,000m2£4,760
25,001m2 or more£6,080

For large mixed-use development proposals or other complex sites that will require our longer term involvement, a higher fee may be charged. In these situations, please contact us for further information.

With the exception of private schools no charge will be made for charitable and public sector non-profit making proposals.