Post 16 transport options for SEND young people

There is no automatic entitlement to travel assistance for Post 16 students.

There are however a number of travel options available to you, to help you get to and from your school or college.

Your options

KCC 16+ Travel Saver

The KCC 16+ Travel Saver is a bus pass that can save parents and students up to 50% on the cost of bus travel to and from school and college.

Find out more about the KCC 16+ Travel Saver and how to apply and how a 16 - 19 bursary fund may help you pay towards the 16+ Travel Saver.

View local bus operators in Kent.

Transport for those with an Education, Care and Health plan

For students aged 16 to 19, transport will cost the same as a 16+ Kent Travel Saver and can be paid in 3 termly instalments. There is no cost for post-19 students.

Travel training

Travel training helps you to get to school or college independently. You will be trained on the most appropriate safest route using a wide transport network. A personalised journey plan will be created for your specific needs.

If you are considered suitable to receive the training, a member of the travel training team will contact you to discuss the programme and suitability.

Find out more about travel training and how to apply.

Personal transport budgets

A personal transport budget (PTB) is funding to help you get your child to school or college. It allows you to make flexible travel arrangements rather than travelling on a vehicle contracted by the council. A PTB is not a short-term alternative while your transport application is being processed.

It is granted entirely at the discretion of the local authority and only provided where it is the most cost effective option for us to meet its statutory duties. It will therefore not automatically be given and is unlikely to be available where existing suitable transport is in operation locally

Find out more about the personal transport budget and how to apply.

Assisted transport

We will initially consider all applicants for travel training, however if you refuse to consider travel training where this is considered appropriate, it may affect any future decisions where additional support for transport is being requested.

Post 16+ transport is provided to you for one academic year at a time.

Find out more about post 16+ transport assistance and how to apply.

Further information

If you have further enquiries or questions, call 03000 41 41 41 and ask to speak to post 16 transport, or email