Terms and conditions for www.kent.gov.uk/ola
When completing your online Kent Test registration or online admissions application for your child, read the following carefully and confirm your agreement before you submit your application.
I understand that:
- All information given in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. If, at a later date, any of the information is found to be incorrect I may lose any place allocated to my child.
- If I submit an online application, I will not be able to submit a manually completed paper application as well.
- I understand that the information collected by the local authority via this application will be only used to help arrange admission to schools in line with the local authority and schools admission criteria.
Make sure you have read our admissions privacy notice before you apply for a school place.
Email kentonlineadmissions@kent.gov.uk if you have any questions regarding these terms and conditions.