Notifiable disease

Kent Trading Standards work alongside the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) to reduce and manage outbreaks of notifiable diseases in Kent.

Notifiable diseases are animal diseases that you’re legally obliged to report to APHA, even if you only suspect that an animal may be affected.

Some examples include avian influenza (bird flu), bluetongue, bovine TB and foot and mouth disease.

For more information on which diseases are notifiable and how to spot them, visit GOV.UK.

Disease threats are ever-changing and being on top of these threats is essential to keeping your livestock safe. Here are some some useful links to interactive maps for disease currently circulating the UK:

To receive notifications of the spread of bird flu, any controls being imposed in your area, register on the Poultry Register. For updates on Bovine Tuberculosis or interactive maps and questions, visit the TB Hub website.

View our animal and plant health emergency plan (PDF, 2.8 MB).

For more information see our further advice and guidance page.