Joint health and wellbeing strategy

The health and wellbeing strategy outlines the priority areas and how we would like to work together to improve people's health and reduce health inequalities that exist in the county.

We have extended this strategy until 2021 as it continues to be relevant and timely in setting out our priorities for improving outcomes for local people.

The creation of the Kent and Medway Joint Health and Wellbeing Board in partnership with Medway Council and the development of the Sustainability and Transformation Partnership has led to new ways that partners work together to consider the health needs of the local population. The Sustainability and Transformation Partnership, which includes Kent and Medway local authorities and the NHS have agreed a plan  called the Case for Change. Case for Change covers how we think services need to change to focus on the priorities in the strategy and achieve the right care for people for decades to come.

See more information on the Kent and Medway Joint Health and Wellbeing Board.