Deprivation and poverty data

Data about deprivation and poverty in Kent.

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The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is the official measure of relative deprivation in England and is part of a suite of outputs that form the English Indices of Deprivation (IoD).

The latest release is the English Indices of Deprivation 2019 (IoD2019) and is published by central government to help local authorities identify the most disadvantaged areas so that resources and funding can be allocated appropriately.

The financial hardship toolkit (XLSX, 3.2 MB) presents a range of data relating to poverty, deprivation and financial hardship for districts within Kent. Data from a range of official sources is presented in four themed pages looking at unemployment and benefits, families, older people and households

The children in poverty report (PDF, 1.2 MB) looks at a several measures focussing on child poverty and deprivation. Data is presented for the Kent County Council area and provides national and regional comparisons where available.

There is no single definitive measure of child poverty.

The Fuel Poverty bulletin (PDF, 768.9 KB) looks at the number of households in Kent who are in fuel poverty and shows how fuel poverty has changed over recent years. Data is presented for Kent districts and wards, with national and regional comparisons.

The term 'homelessness' is often considered to apply only to people 'sleeping rough'. However, this term also applies to people who are at risk of becoming homeless. Each local authority has an obligation to provide advice and assistance to those people. You can read more information in our:

Economy and employment shows unemployment statistics for Kent and the number of Kent residents claiming Government benefits.