Adult Social Care and Health AMHP service easy read privacy notice
CQC assessment survey privacy notice easy read version
Easy read version of the CYPE Disabled Children and Young People's Service privacy notice
An easy read version for young people using the Drug and Alcohol Service.
An easy read version for adults using the Drug and Alcohol Service.
An easy read version of the Kara Project privacy notice.
Kent Adult Social Care and Health Technology Enhanced Lives privacy notice easy read
Kent and Medway Care Record easy read privacy notice.
Participants of KCC Infant Feeding Strategy Development privacy notice - easy read version
Participants of KCC Perinatal Mental Health and Parent Infant Relationships Strategy Development privacy notice (easy read version)
Participants of Local Evaluation of the Start for Life and Family Hubs Programme easy read privacy notice
Family coaches privacy notice easy read version
Easy read privacy notice for safeguarding
Start for Life and Family Hubs Awareness Survey privacy notice in easy read
Technology Enhanced Lives privacy notice in easy read