Reconnect - video transcript

Opening titles

For Kent Children and Young People.

This video is in a colourful animation style to show energy and vibrancy. It has a young teenager’s voice over throughout and an optimistic soundtrack.


Image of animation styled children waving.

It’s time.

To help Kent’s children and young people reconnect to the things they have missed during the pandemic, as well as try new activities.

Image of teenage girl on Zoom.

Every aspect of their life and development has been impacted. From their learning to their wellbeing and their friendships.

Image of rotating globe.

And it has been recognised nationally and internationally that this impact has been significant.

Image of ticking stop watch.

There’s no time to waste.

We aim to reconnect children and young people to:

  • health and happiness
  • learning missed
  • friends, family and community
  • sports, activities and the outdoors
  • economic well being.

And our young people have already suggested the name, Reconnect.

Image of hands linking in a reconnect graphic.

It does what it says on the tin.

Image of teenagers getting ready to play sport.

The programme is designed to bring out the very best of our talented and capable young people, and they will help us shape it.

Image of teenagers in a classroom.

They have made it clear that they want to feel optimistic and look forward and they want opportunities to try new things too.

The programme is available to all children and young people.

The programme is in addition to rather than instead of existing services.

Image of children playing musical instruments followed by a graphic of children jumping next to a graphic with ages 2-24.

The programme’s activities and support will meet:

  • the different needs of children and young people aged from 2 to 19/24 years
  • all five aims
  • different levels of need - from the services and support available to all children and targeted support where needed, to specialist support.

The clock is ticking!

Image of teenagers holding a banner saying 'To involve'.

We now need to involve children, young people and families in designing the programme

Image of teenagers holding a banner saying 'To build'.

To build a range of positive, engaging and exciting opportunities which help children and young people reconnect with education, healthy activity, friends and family members and future opportunities

To build a brand which the whole Kent community can get behind and want to be associated with, focused on a positive future.

Image of teenagers holding a banner saying 'To involve'.

To involve all parts of KCC, district and parish councils, schools and settings, sports and leisure clubs, community groups, charities, businesses, police, fire and health service and individuals in delivering opportunities, directly or in kind

Image of a laptop, a key and a piggy bank.

To lever in resources and contributions, volunteers, cash, support in kind, recycled computers, job mentors, access to facilities and to increase the reach and impact of the programme.

To connect different, diverse opportunities and funding sources to add value to each one

Image of ticking stop watch.

Now, it’s about time.

Image of the map of the United Kingdom, moving to teenagers holding up a banner saying "Our communities".

What is clear, is the reconnecting of children and young people is a national priority.

As it will be for many in our communities.

Image of teenager with mask looking straight at us to moving to images of children in a swimming pool.

We now need your help to make the programme bigger and to reach further.

What more can each of us do in our organisations and personally to help reconnect children and young people?

Image of Reconnect logo and Kent County Council logo.

Reconnect Kent Children and Young People Programme.

Reconnecting children and young people to ensure that Kent is the best place for them to grow up safely, learn, develop and achieve.

For more information and to find out how to get involved  search