Introduction to the Local Account video transcript

[Ambient music starts]

[Blue screen appears and image of animated people appears]

[Female voice-over begins]

Local Account 2022

Here for you, how did we do?

[Blue screen transitions to purple with map of Kent and animated people]

[Hand writes text as it appears on screen. Female voice-over continues]

This local account describes the achievements, improvements and challenges in adult social care in Kent from January 2022 to December 2022.

[Images on the screen fade and text appears]

[Female voice-over]

In our eleventh edition, we’re taking a look back at how we’ve been making a difference every day within local communities across Kent and delivering the key areas you told us mattered most during the development of our Adult Social Care Strategy and Adult Carer’s Strategy.

[Image of the Adult Social Care and Adult Carers’ strategy appears on screen]

[Purple transitions to teal. Text appears on screen]

[Female voice-over continues]

2022 was a year of refocussing and working more closely with people accessing support, carers, families and colleagues through the co-production of our plans.

[Image of animated people appears on screen]

It has been an exciting year, with challenges that have encouraged us to innovate.

[Purple circle and text on screen appears]

For example, through our new community based social care teams who are forging stronger links in the areas they cover.

[Screen transitions to white with Making a difference every day logo and images of people]

[Hand appears to write text on screen]

[Female voice-over continues]

We have continued to drive our vision forwards, supporting people to live as full and safe a life as possible and make informed choices.

[Blue screen appears with animated images of people, white text and female voice over continues]

Social care and health are more prominent than ever in our daily lives.

Our staff have worked hard to respond to rising demand whilst implementing key changes and putting the person at the heart of what they do.

We have a renewed commitment to celebrating diversity and equality in social care and there is plenty to reflect on and be proud of.

[Screen transitions to orange screen with animated picture of a group of people. White text appears and female voice-over continues]

We must remember that caring is not only about organisations like ours, we can each make an individual difference where we live to look out for others in our community and signpost to support.

[Screen transitions to blue with animated image of people. White text appears on screen and female voice-over continues]

In this local account, you will find details of the new Kent Connect to Support website that offers information, advice and guidance about staying well and remaining independent, so please do spread the word.

[Kent Connect to Support flyer appears on the screen]

[Your Voice leaflet appears on the screen]

You can also hear how people’s voices have helped to shape what we do – and you are encouraged to join the Your voice network to do the same.

[Screen transitions. Blue screen and white text. Female voice-over continues]

We want to work with you to develop our next Local Account.

To get involved, or share your feedback, please contact