If you administer medicines yourself you are responsible for getting rid of needles, syringes and other medical waste.
Never put needles or syringes with your household rubbish or recycling.
Arrange a collection of sharps box
To arrange collection or disposal of a sharps box contact the healthcare service who provided the item. Or your district council may offer a collection service.
Nursing homes and medical establishments
You should arrange for this type of collection through your normal waste collection contractor.
Needles used for non medical purpose
Needle exchange facilities are offered at each of the drug and alcohol hubs in Kent. Find out how to dispose of needles in your local area:
View a list of pharmacies across Kent that accept needles and syringes (PDF, 121.5 KB)
Found needles or syringes
If you come across a needle or syringe:
- never touch it, try to hide or conceal it
- never try to dispose of it by kicking it down a drain or putting it in the bin or down the toilet.
Contact your local council to request a member of their staff to visit the location as soon as possible.