Register a village green
You can register land as a new town or village green if you can show it's been used by local people for sports and recreation for at least 20 years 'as of right' (without permission, secrecy or force).
If you own the land, you can register it as a new village green voluntarily and don't have to provide any evidence of use.
You can't apply to register a village green if the land's being affected by or identified for development. Check with your district council if you think that's the case.
Before you apply
Check the applications register (PDF, 128.2 KB) to make sure no one else has applied to register the same piece of land.
Application forms
There is no fee for applying to register a new Village Green under section 15 of the Commons Act 2006. Download the village green:
- application pack (PDF, 550.9 KB) - includes form CA9 and guidance.
- form.
To find out how we use your personal information, read our privacy notice.
Public inquiries
Find out about current village green consultations.
To find out how your personal details are used when you make a comment on a village green application, read our privacy policy.
Contact us
If you need further information that has not been provided before email