Environmental data

The facts and figures on this page relate to Kent's environment. Find out more about our environmental policies.

If you have any questions about the documents on this page, you can email kes@kent.gov.uk.

Air quality

Data on the condition and quality of Kent's air.

State of the environment report: Air quality (PDF, 264.0 KB)


Information about Kent's ecosystem, plants and wildlife.

State of the environment report: Biodiversity (PDF, 191.6 KB)


Statistics about Kent's low-carbon businesses, including employment levels.

State of the environment report: Business (PDF, 327.6 KB)

Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Data from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy about Kent's CO2 emission levels.

State of the environment report: CO2 (PDF, 347.8 KB)

Fuel poverty

Estimates on the number of Kent residents living in fuel poverty.

State of the environment report: Fuel poverty (PDF, 199.6 KB)


Summary of statistics relating to the energy efficiency of homes in Kent.

State of the environment report: Housing (PDF, 222.5 KB)

Renewable energy

Information about Kent's sources of renewable energy production.

State of the environment report: Renewable energy (PDF, 232.2 KB)

Severe weather

Data from Kent's Severe Weather Impacts Monitoring System (SWIMS).

State of the environment report: Severe weather (PDF, 192.7 KB)

Travel and transport

Summary of how Kent's road and public transport networks contribute to Kent's total CO2 emissions.

State of the environment report: Travel and transport (PDF, 245.2 KB)


Statistics relating to Kent's collection and disposal of household waste.

State of the environment report: Waste (PDF, 208.9 KB)

Water quality

Statistics related to the quality of water across Kent

State of the environment report: Water quality (PDF, 217.1 KB)