Kent Mineral Sites Plan

The Kent Mineral Sites Plan and the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan (KMWLP) form the Development Plan for the purposes of determining planning applications. The current Kent Mineral Sites Plan was adopted in 2020. Our emerging local plan work is reviewing the provision for hard rock and this will result in a revised Kent Mineral Sites Plan.

Kent Mineral Sites Plan 2020

Our Mineral Sites Plan (PDF, 1.7 MB) allocates specific sites within Kent that are considered acceptable in principle for mineral extraction to ensure that Kent has sufficient permitted mineral reserves over the plan period. Prior to any development taking place, a planning application would also be required.

In September 2020, the Kent Mineral Sites Plan was adopted by the county council at Full Council committee.

You can read the inspector’s examination report and proposed plan modifications below:

Kent Mineral Sites Plan 2020 review

As part of the statutory 5 year review of the adopted local plan, a review of data on mineral reserves and sales across the county was undertaken. This identified a need for an additional site(s) for the working of hard rock, in order that the local plan can make adequate mineral provision over this period. An update to the Kent Mineral Sites Plan is therefore proposed with the intention to allocate a site(s)for the extraction of hard rock. A ‘call for sites’ has taken place between October and December 2022. Details are available on the consultation hub.