Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2024-39

We submitted the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2024 to 2039 to the Secretary of State for independent examination on 17 May 2024. The new local plan will guide minerals and waste management development decisions in Kent until at least 2039 and will be used for the determination of planning applications in the county.

This page will provide updates on the Local Plan Examination.

Planning Inspector

Inspector Joanne Burston BSc MA MRTPI AIPROW from the Planning Inspectorate has been appointed by the Secretary of State to carry out the independent examination of the Kent Minerals and Waste Plan 2024 to 2039. The Inspector’s task is to consider the soundness of the submitted plan and whether it has been prepared in accordance with the legal and procedural requirements.

The Inspector will consider the comments made at the Regulation 19/20 stage and will identify various matters, issues and questions to consider as part of the examination.

Planning Inspectorate’s procedural guide for local plan examinations

The Planning Inspectorate have produced a procedural guide aimed at all those involved in the process and concerned with the procedural aspects of examining a local plan.

Planning Inspectorate’s short guide on taking part in examinations

The Planning Inspectorate have produced a short guide aimed at those who might be participating in a local plan examination for the first time.

Programme Officer

Louise St John Howe has been appointed as Programme Officer to organise and administer the examination, including organisation of the public hearing sessions and dealing with all procedural matters. The Programme Officer is independent from KCC and reports to the appointed examination inspector.

Contact details

All queries relating to the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan examination should be sent to the Programme Officer using the following details:

11 July 2024

The inspector has written to the council with some initial questions and her letter (ED4) can be viewed in the examination documents table below.

18 June 2024

The council’s Soundness Checklist and Legal Compliance Checklists of the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2024 to 2039 have been uploaded to the examination documents table, with the reference numbers ED2 and ED3.

13 June 2024

Inspector Joanne Burston BSc MA MRTPI AIPROW has been appointed by the Secretary of State to carry out the independent examination of the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2024 to 2039.

17 May 2024

The Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2024 to 2039 was submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination.

Correspondence and documents from the inspector, council and representers following submission of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan.

View the full list of evidence base documents that support the KCC Minerals and Waste Local Plan.

  1. Submission documents
  2. Reference Date publishedAuthorTitle Date uploaded
    SD01January 2024Kent County CouncilPre-submission draft of the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2024-39 - Regulation 19 - clean untracked version - November 2023 (PDF, 10.6 MB)May 2024
    SD02January 2024Kent County CouncilPre-submission draft of the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2024-39 - Regulation 19 - tracked version - November 2023 (PDF, 11.4 MB)May 2024
    SD03May 2024Kent County CouncilDuty to Cooperate Report - May 2024 (PDF, 10.3 MB)May 2024
    SD04May 2024Kent County CouncilRegulation 22 Statement - May 2024 (PDF, 1.4 MB)May 2024
    SD05January 2024AmeySustainability Appraisal Report - November 2023May 2024
    SD06January 2024AmeySustainability Appraisal Report - Non-Technical Summary - November 2023May 2024
    SD07January 2024Kent County CouncilHabitats Regulation Assessment - January 2024May 2024
    SD08January 2024Kent County CouncilStrategic Flood Risk Position Statement - January 2024May 2024
    SD09December 2023Kent County CouncilEqualities Impact Assessment - December 2023May 2024
    SD10May 2024Kent County CouncilPlan-maker’s response to sustainability appraisal - May 2024 (PDF, 172.2 KB)May 2024
    SD11April 2024Natural EnglandFollow Up Letter from Natural England dated 24 April 2024
    (PDF, 69.6 KB)
    May 2024
    SD12April 2024Kent County Council and Natural EnglandStatement of Common Ground between Kent County Council and Natural England - April 2024
    (PDF, 1.2 MB)
    May 2024
    SD13April 2024Kent County Council and Canterbury City CouncilStatement of Common Ground between Canterbury City Council
    (PDF, 321.4 KB)
    May 2024
    SD14April 2024Kent County Council and Ebbsfleet Development CorporationStatement of Common Ground between Kent County Council and Ebbsfleet Development Corporation
    (PDF, 557.4 KB)
    May 2024
    SD15April 2024Kent County Council and Tonbridge and Malling Borough CouncilStatement of Common Ground between Kent County Council and Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council
    (PDF, 348.1 KB)
    May 2024
    SD16May 2024Kent County CouncilSummary of Regulation 19 Representations - May 2024 (PDF, 604.4 KB)May 2024

  3. Evidence base
    Reference Date publishedAuthorTitle Date uploaded
    EB01January 2024Kent County CouncilCircular Economy Topic Paper - January 2024 (PDF, 575.4 KB)May 2024
    EB02January 2024Kent County CouncilBiodiversity Topic Paper - January 2024 (PDF, 892.5 KB)May 2024
    EB03January 2024BPP ConsultingRadioactive Waste Topic Paper - January 2024 (PDF, 883.4 KB)May 2024
    EB04November 2022BPP ConsultingWaste Needs Assessment - Capacity Requirement for the Management of Residual NHW in Kent - November 2022May 2024
    EB05November 2022BPP ConsultingWaste Needs Assessment - CDEW Management Requirements in Kent - November 2022May 2024
    EB06November 2022BPP ConsultingWaste Needs Assessment - CIW Management Requirements in Kent - November 2022May 2024
    EB07November 2022BPP ConsultingWaste Needs Assessment - Hazardous Waste Management Requirements in Kent - November 2022May 2024
    EB07/1May 2023BPP ConsultingWaste Needs Assessment - Hazardous Waste Management Requirements in Kent to 2039 - May 2023 (PDF, 986.2 KB)18 July 2023
    EB08November 2022BPP ConsultingWaste Needs Assessment - Management Requirements for LACW in Kent - November 2022May 2024
    EB09November 2022BPP ConsultingWaste Needs Assessment - NHW Recycling and Composting Capacity Requirement in Kent - November 2022May 2024
    EB10November 2022BPP ConsultingWaste Needs Assessment - Review of Waste Flows Between London and Kent - November 2022May 2024
    EB11September 2020Kent County CouncilKent Mineral Sites Plan - September 2020 (PDF, 1.7 MB)May 2024
    EB12December 2023Kent County CouncilLocal Aggregate Assessment - December 2023 (PDF, 1.7 MB)May 2024
    EB13December 2023Kent County CouncilAnnual Monitoring Report - December 2023 (PDF, 1.8 MB)May 2024
    EB14December 2023Kent County CouncilLocal Development Scheme - November 2023 (PDF, 1.6 MB)May 2024
    EB152021Kent County CouncilStatement of Community Involvement - 2021 (PDF, 833.0 KB)May 2024
    EB16January 2024Kent County CouncilStatement of Representations Procedure and Availability of Documents - January 2024 (PDF, 197.9 KB)May 2024
  4. Background documents
    Reference Date publishedAuthorTitle Date uploaded
    BD01 September 2020 Kent County Council Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2013-30 as amended by the Early Partial Review (PDF, 7.2 MB) May 2024
    BD02 September 2021 Kent County Council Report of the 5 Year Review of the Kent Minerals Waste Local Plan (PDF, 2.1 MB) May 2024
    BD03 December 2023 Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities National Planning Policy Framework May 2024
    BD04 October 2014 Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities National Planning Policy for Waste May 2024
    BD05 January 2021 Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Environment AgencyWaste Management Plan for England May 2024
    BD06 2018 Kent County Council Kent Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy (PDF, 269.1 KB) May 2024
    BD07 July 2017 Kent County Council Kent Waste Disposal Strategy 2017-2035 (PDF, 632.3 KB) May 2024
    BD08 June 2020 Kent County Council Kent and Medway Energy and Low Emissions Strategy (PDF, 512.4 KB) May 2024
    BD09 2017 Kent County Council Local Transport Plan 4: Delivering Growth without Gridlock (PDF, 2.8 MB) May 2024
    BD10 2017 Kent County Council Freight Action Plan for Kent (PDF, 846.7 KB) May 2024
    BD11 2013 The Regional Strategy for the South East (Partial Revocation) Order 2013 May 2024
    BD12 December 2015 Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Environment Agency Thames River Basin District River Basin Management Plan May 2024
    BD13 December 2015 Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Environment Agency South East River Basin District River Basin Management Plan May 2024
    BD14 December 2015 Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Guidance for LPAs on implementing requirements of the EU Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) May 2024
    BD15 May 2011 Kent County Council and Medway Council Kent and Medway Mineral Imports Study (PDF, 4.0 MB) May 2024
    BD16 March 2010 GWP Consultants Silica Sand Report for KCC and Surrey County Council May 2024
    BD17 July 2020 Kent County Council Strategic Commissioning Statistical Bulletin May 2024
    BD18 March 2021 South East Local Enterprise Partnership South East Local Enterprise Partnership - Strategic Economic Plan May 2024
    BD19 2000 Gov.ukCountryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 May 2024
    BD20 December 2023 Kent Analytics
    Kent County Council
    Kent Statistical Bulletin 2023, 2021 Mid-year population estimates (PDF, 252.1 KB) May 2024
    BD21 2018 Kent County Council Kent and Medway Growth and Infrastructure Framework 2018 update
    (PDF, 8.7 MB)
    May 2024
    BD22 November 2010 HM Treasury National Infrastructure Strategy May 2024
    BD23 September 2013 Kent County Council Interchangeability of Construction Aggregates May 2024
    BD24 2020 The Waste (Circular Economy) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 May 2024
    BD25 2021 Environment Act 2021 May 2024
    BD26 2023 Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Environmental Improvement Plan 2023 May 2024
    BD27 March 2021 Greater London Authority The London Plan (Spatial Development Strategy for Central London) May 2024
    BD28 2008 European ParliamentDirective 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the council - 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directives May 2024
    BD29 June 2008Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform and the devolved administrations for Wales and Northern IrelandManaging Radioactive Waste Safely: A framework for Implementing Geological Disposal - June 2008 May 2024
    BD30 March 2012 Department of Energy and Climate Change, Department for Education, Welsh Government and Scottish GovernmentStrategy for the management of solid low level radioactive waste from the non-nuclear industry in the UK: part 1 - anthropogenic radionuclide May 2024
    BD31 September 2011 Northern Ireland Environment Agency, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, and Environment AgencyRadioactive Substances Act 1993 - Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2011 May 2024
    BD32 March 2021 Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Strategy May 2024
    BD33 March 2016 Kent County Council Kent Environment Strategy
    (PDF, 1.5 MB)
    May 2024
    BD34 2017 Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Changes to the Habitats Regulations 2017 May 2024
    BD35 June 2013 Barton Willmore KMWLP 2013-2030 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment May 2024
    BD36 2018 Kent County Council Kent County Council’s Right of Way Improvement Plan 2018-2028 (PDF, 4.9 MB) May 2024

A series of public hearings conducted by the Planning Inspector will take place during the examination of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan.

Details of the hearing sessions will be posted here as soon as they are available.

ID numberOrganisation
LP01Chemicals London (PDF, 307.9 KB)
LP02LP02 Resident  (PDF, 701.5 KB)
LP03LP03 Resident  (PDF, 184.1 KB)
LP04Transport for London (PDF, 292.2 KB)
LP05LP05 Resident  (PDF, 10.7 MB)
LP06LP06 Resident  (PDF, 661.2 KB)
LP07Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council (PDF, 266.3 KB)
LP08Platt Parish Council (PDF, 169.3 KB)
LP09South Downs National Park Authority (PDF, 208.1 KB)
LP10Reference not in use
LP11Barming Parish Council (PDF, 65.3 KB)
LP12Lower Halstow Parish Council (PDF, 117.0 KB)
LP13New Romney Town Council (PDF, 425.0 KB)
LP14First Plan on behalf of Aggregate Industries and Brett (PDF, 1.0 MB)
LP15KCC Public Rights Of Way and Access Service (PDF, 180.2 KB)
LP16Essex County Council (PDF, 218.5 KB)
LP17Ebbsfleet Development Corporation Informal Officer Comments (PDF, 373.1 KB)
LP18Environment Agency (PDF, 191.5 KB)
LP19Southern Water (PDF, 219.9 KB)
LP20Maidstone Green Party (PDF, 194.0 KB)
LP21Port of London Authority (PDF, 244.3 KB)
LP22Ebbsfleet Development Corporation (PDF, 460.6 KB)
LP23West Sussex County Council (PDF, 169.6 KB)
LP24Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and Nuclear Restoration Services (PDF, 275.5 KB)
LP25Keep Kent Green (PDF, 167.5 KB)
LP26Bean Residents Association (PDF, 408.1 KB)
LP27Friends of Oaken Wood (PDF, 313.6 KB)
LP28National Highways (PDF, 274.2 KB)
LP29Surrey County Council (PDF, 136.5 KB)
LP30Mineral Products Association (PDF, 339.8 KB)
LP31Tunbridge Wells Borough Council (PDF, 410.4 KB)
LP32Medway Council (PDF, 54.4 KB)
LP33LP33 Resident  (PDF, 559.5 KB)
LP34Historic England (PDF, 310.8 KB)
LP35Gravesham Borough Council (PDF, 115.0 KB)
LP36Canterbury City Council (PDF, 89.2 KB)
LP37Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) (PDF, 373.4 KB)
LP38Maidstone Borough Council (PDF, 235.8 KB)
LP39South East Waste Planning Advisory Group (SEWPAG) (PDF, 201.6 KB)
LP40Kent Wildlife Trust (PDF, 361.1 KB)
LP41Invicta Planning on behalf of Borough Green Sand Pits Ltd (PDF, 2.0 MB)
LP42Swale Borough Council (PDF, 464.2 KB)
LP43Kent County Council Lead Local Flood Authority (PDF, 244.1 KB)
LP44Natural England (PDF, 581.1 KB)
LP45David Lock on behalf of Tarmac (PDF, 131.0 KB)
LP46David Lock on behalf of Tarmac Cement and Lime Limited (PDF, 177.9 KB)
LP47Quod of behalf of Otterpool Park LLP (PDF, 1.8 MB)
LP48FCC Environment UK Limited and S W Attwood and Partners (PDF, 268.7 KB)
LP49Save Capel (PDF, 284.5 KB)
LP50Folkestone and Hythe District Council (PDF, 234.8 KB)
LP51Ashford Borough Council (PDF, 824.7 KB)
LP52Woodland Trust (PDF, 253.5 KB)
LP53Gallagher Aggregates Limited (PDF, 540.1 KB)
LP54Sevenoaks District Council (PDF, 28.1 KB)
LP55Kent Downs National Landscapes Unit (PDF, 71.6 KB)
LP56LP56 Resident (PDF, 201.9 KB)
LP57LP57 Resident (PDF, 213.1 KB)
LP58Plaxtol Parish Council (PDF, 118.2 KB)