Counter-terrorism strategy (Contest)

Contest is the UK's counter-terrorism strategy. It aims to reduce the risk from terrorism so that people can go about their lives freely and with confidence. Contest has 4 strands:

  • Pursue: investigate and disrupt terrorist attacks.
  • Prevent: stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism - read more about the Prevent strategy in Kent.
  • Protect: improve our protective security to stop a terrorist attack.
  • Prepare: work to minimise the impact of an attack and to recover as quickly as possible.

Kent has unique characteristics, such as its ports, the Channel Tunnel and its proximity to France. The county remains relatively safe and doesn't have terrorist hotspots that other parts of the UK have. We are working hard to maintain this situation for the people of Kent.

Read advice about being vigilant and knowing what to report on the ACT (Action Counters Terrorism) website. You can also visit the CitizenAID website to find out what to do in an emergency.