Emotional wellbeing participation
The Emotional Wellbeing Participation Team work with young people and their families who have experience of using mental health and emotional wellbeing services. The feedback and experiences we receive are used to improve and develop these services for all young people across the county.
Opportunities are open to all children and young people up until the age of 18, or 25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
We work in partnership with schools, youth groups and individual young people to capture their voices.
If you know of a young person who has had experience of using mental health or wellbeing services in Kent, and would like to get involved, we offer a range of opportunities. These include:
- Changing Minds Youth Group for 13 to 16 year olds
- i-THRIVE youth group for 17 to 25 year olds
- virtual social and creative sessions
- parent and carer feedback events
- young person feedback events, such as the Big Mental Health Conversation
- individual case study interviews
- low level wellbeing support for young people and their families
- anonymous survey
- Kent Youth Voice.
To find out more email talkaboutmh@kent.gov.uk and we will be in touch.
Resilience Awards
Co-produced with young people from across Kent, the Resilience Awards celebrate achievements around 4 themes.
Young people share how they have:
- supported good mental health
- shown kindness
- developed new or existing skills and interests
- prepared for a return to education.
We invite young people to answer a short survey about their experiences and submit evidence to claim their limited edition badges and certificates. Visit the Resilience Awards page of the Moodspark website to find out more.
Contact us
If you know of a young person who has had experience of using mental health or wellbeing services in Kent and they would like to get involved or find out more email TalkaboutMH@kent.gov.uk.
Join a group
Email kycc@kent.gov.uk for more information about these groups.
Parent carer voice
Parent carer voice (PCV) is an inclusive and supportive group for parents and carers of any young person who has used mental health services in Kent. We meet one Sunday every month and host additional monthly discussion sessions with commissioners and mental health service providers. Guest speakers from a wide range of organisations are invited to join the meetings and share information and advice. PCV members are encouraged to share their own experiences and offer feedback and recommendations to improve services.
Other participation opportunities for parents and carers include:
- commissioning new projects to support young people and their families
- recruitment
- training development
- creating new resources like leaflets, web content and videos.
Reading for resilience
Our reading for resilience group is a great way for young people to make new friends, have fun and enjoy sharing books that inspire and captivate their imagination. It can help make sense of feelings and emotions in a creative way.
Reading for resilience happens online fortnightly.
Speak Out
Speak Out is a group for young people to:
- make new friends
- have fun
- learn new skills
- develop their resilience and wellbeing
- have their say about what matters to them and make a difference.
Speak Out takes place online fortnightly, with in-person activities during school holidays. Speak Out group is part of Kent Youth Voice.