Help for your mental health

As a young person, you may experience lots of thoughts and emotions as you grow. Working this out and understanding how you feel can be difficult.

You are not alone if you are experiencing any negative feelings. Some things will be easier to manage on your own or with the help of friends and family. Or, someone like a teacher or a youth worker. Other times you may need professional help.

Ask for help

Urgent mental health support

A mental health emergency is as important as a physical health emergency. Visit the Kent and Medway Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub.

Self harm or feeling suicidal

If you're struggling with self harm or feeling suicidal, Emerge can arrange for a youth worker to visit you in A&E in Medway, Maidstone or Darent Valley. Contact Emerge for help.

Or find out what support there is on the NHS website.

Becoming an adult

Being a teenager and becoming an adult is an exciting time. You'll experience lots of emotions, thoughts and feelings during this time. We've put together a helpful guide whether you're looking for support with:

  • your emotions and behaviours
  • your identity
  • your body and body image.

Visit our becoming an adult webpage.

i-Thrive approach

The i-Thrive approach helps you to know where to look to find the right help when you need it and to thrive. Find out more how i-Thrive is helping young people in Kent.


Kooth is a free, safe, and anonymous online wellbeing service, available for anyone aged between 10 to 25 years old. If you're concerned about a young person's wellbeing this winter, visit the Kooth website to register for a supportive online community, including support courses, counselling, discussion boards, self help content and resources.

Young carers

If you are a young carer and are looking for mental health support, contact Kent Young Carers.

Young Minds

Visit the Young Minds website to read their  guide to support, including a guide to child and adolescent mental health services so you know what to expect when accessing this service.

The Mix

The Mix offers information on every aspect of mental health. From clinical depression, anxiety and self harm, to eating disorders, body image, stress and supporting others.

Help from your school or college

If you have special educational needs, you may get extra help from your school or college. See how they can help you.

Or, find community support via our online directory.

Helping a friend

The Mental Health Handbook (created by our Mental Health Campaign Group) is full of tips and advice to support other young people's mental health.

The handbook is designed for young people aged 13 to 16. Download our handbook.

Or visit Young Mind's website to see how you can support your friend.