Work on the highway

An agreement under Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 allows a developer to carry out improvement work on the public highway. It makes sure that the work is completed in line with our standards and in accordance with granted planning permission.

If planning permission has been received from the local district council and requires work to be carried out on the existing highway, an agreement between the developer and us will need to be completed.

Under the Section 278 Agreement, we may provide the work and the developer will be charged, or the developer may be allowed to provide the work directly, but this will be subject to an approval and inspection process.

Under no circumstances shall work be permitted within the limits of the publicly maintained highway until the Section 278 Agreement is completed and a bond (if applicable) is secured.

Examples of works covered by a Section 278 Agreement can include:

  • the construction of a new access or a junction improvement of the highway
  • safety related works such as traffic calming or improved facilities for pedestrians and cyclists
  • a new zebra crossing, puffin crossing or toucan crossing
  • the installation of a new roundabout
  • the installation of a new signalised junction including traffic lights
  • the installation of a new right turn lane
  • improvements or modifications to the existing highway in conjunction with a new development.

Email if you have any further questions.

Current work

Find out whether the work near you is covered by a signed Section 278 Agreement. Download the latest work agreed under section 278 (XLSX, 26.5 KB)

If you need more information on any of the agreed work please contact us through our report it tool, choosing the category "information required".

Read the Kent Design Guide - Section 278 Agreement (PDF, 978.1 KB) for more information on the agreement.

Read the guidance notes Section 278 for developers (PDF, 202.7 KB) for more information on the legal agreements and construction phases.