Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) Application terms and conditions

Conditions of permit

A standard charge of £910 is levied to cover administration costs for the making of Traffic Order under Section 14 (1) of the Road Traffic (Temporary restrictions) Act 1991. This £910 charge now includes advertising costs. The charge for an Emergency Closure is £660. Any amendments made after the TTRO has been approved and advertised may then be subject to charges of £350 on each amendment. For events requiring a Traffic Order under Section 14 (1) of the Road Traffic (Temporary restrictions) Act 1991 or under Section 16a of the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 and Road Traffic Regulation (Special Events) Act 1994, a standard charge of £910 is applicable, except where you are a registered charity, the rate may be subject to reductions. No VAT is applicable.

If the temporary restrictions or works are located on a lane rental road, then additional lane rental charges may apply. These charges will be agreed with us and paid before works take place.

The applicant will be responsible for gaining permissions from any non-KCC authority if the diversion route impacts other authority networks, such as National Highways or Network Rail, and neighbouring highway authorities.

The applicant shall be responsible for:

  • erecting advance warning signs for each order, these shall be at either end of the section of road affected and at least one week before the order takes effect. They shall have the legend ‘Advance Notice (Name of Road) (reason) from (date) for a period of (days, weeks, months)’
  • maintaining access to properties within the length of road closure; and for maintaining safe access for pedestrians through road closures. If pedestrian access will be restricted, the applicant must explicitly apply for pedestrian restrictions to be included and provide evidence as to why pedestrian access cannot be maintained
  • maintaining access for emergency service providers at all times. A fire appliance requires 3.25m access width. If this cannot be maintained, you, the applicant, will be required to liaise with the emergency services before we can progress your application for a temporary traffic restriction.
  • the supply, erection and maintenance of all temporary traffic management and diversion signing for traffic unless otherwise agreed with us. A traffic management plan and risk assessment should be provided with each application for a restriction.
  • notifying those residents, business and stakeholders directly affected by the closure, by means of a letter drop. Particular attention should be made to contact any local schools or businesses which may be affected.
  • erecting and maintaining signs indicating that any businesses affected by the closure are still open for business as usual, and from which direction access is possible. The signs shall have the following (or similar) legend ‘For (name of business) follow diversion’ and ‘Access to (name of business)’ and shall be erected at either end of the closure.
  • ensuring all frame mounted signs shall be adequately weighted using sandbags and shall be accompanied by cones and lamps.
  • ensuring ‘Road Closed’ signs shall be used to effect the closure along with either Heras Fencing (including reflective barrier) or traffic barriers. If that is not practicable then either the road shall be coned off with one-metre-high cones and flashing lamps. The cones shall be arranged in two solid lines, staggered, to allow access onto the site.
  • ensuring all signs must be maintained to the highest standards during the full period of the contract. Careful inspection of the diversion route and all signs is to be made at least two to three times each day.
  • advance signing through and immediately adjacent to the site, to Chapter 8 Standards.

No works within the road closure shall be permitted until all diversionary and advisory signs are positioned correctly.