Our budget

Every year we set a budget to determine how much money will be spent on services.

We need to manage the challenge of significant spending demands and cost increases within the funding available, which mainly comes from Council Tax and the government. This requires tough choices about priorities for the future.

Your views

While we were developing the plans for the 2024 to 2025 budget, we sought your views on:

  • our Council Tax proposals
  • whether we are prioritising resources in the right areas
  • your suggestions for how we might find further savings.

Our consultation report containing your feedback is now available on our consultation hub.

2024 to 2025 budget

Kent County Council approved its 2024 to 2025 revenue budget, 2024 to 2027 medium term financial plan and 2024 to 2034 capital budget at a full council meeting on 19 February 2024. Details of these can be found in our:

  • Budget book (PDF, 6.2 MB) - including the 2024 to 2034 capital investment plans by directorate and the 2024 to 2025 revenue budget by directorate and key service presentation
  • variation statements show the movement in budget between the approved budget for 2023 to 2024 and the final approved budget for 2024 to 2025
  • interactive dashboards which show the spending growth, savings and reserve changes in each financial year of the 2024 to 2027 Medium Term Financial Plan. 2024 to 2025 reflects the approved budget, and 2025 to 2026 and 2026 to 2027 is for planning purposes.

2024 to 2025 revenue budget

How we spend our annual revenue budget

We provide a huge range of essential services to Kent residents, spending over £2.2 billion (excluding schools) each year.

For every £100 we spend, this is how it is split between the various services we provide:

How we spend our annual budget per £100
Service Total spend (per £100)
Adults and older people £36
Children's social care £13
Children's other services £9
Transport services £7
Management, support services and overheads £6
Schools and high needs £6
Borrowing costs £6
Waste services £4
Public health £4
Highways £2
Community services £2
Other direct services to the public £2
Costs of running our operational premises £2
Schools’ services £1

How our annual revenue budget is funded

Funding for our revenue budget comes from many sources. 41% of our total annual expenditure budget (excluding schools) is funded from money we receive from Council Tax.

Each year we set a budget to decide how much we're able to spend on services for Kent residents and businesses for the next financial year, compared to how much income we're likely to get from government and local taxation (Council Tax and business rates) to fund this.

For every £100 in funding we receive, this is how it is split between the different sources of income:

How we fund our budget, per £100
Funding source Amount (per £100)
Council Tax £41
Grants (ringfenced for a specific purpose) £30
Income from service users £16
Grants (unringfenced) £10
Business rates £3

2024 to 2034 capital budget

How we spend our capital budget

The capital budget for 2024 to 2034 is £1,665 million (over £1.6 billion). The diagram below summarises what this is spent on:

How we spend our capital budget
Service Amount in £million
Highways, structures and waste enhancement £584
Other highway and transport improvements £486
Other school projects £263
Additional school places £157
Modernisation and improved utilisation of council premises £109
Economic development initiatives £49
Community projects £14
Adults, social care and health £3

How our capital budget is funded

Funding for our capital budget comes from many sources. Over 60% comes from grant funding and around 23% is borrowed. The following diagram shows how the capital budget is funded:

How we fund our capital budget.
Service Amount in £million
Grants £1,011
Borrowing £376
Developer contributions £120
Revenue contributions £62
Recycling of loan repayments £53
Capital receipts £33
Other external funding £11

(Figures subject to rounding)