Pay your social care bill
If you choose not to take a Direct Payment we can organise your support for you. If we arrange your support you will pay us directly for the services you receive.
You will be sent a KentCare invoice every 4-weeks. You will be expected to pay for your support within 10 days of receiving your invoice.
How to pay
We prefer you to pay your invoices by direct debit. To set up a direct debit, call our Income Collection Team on 03000 412 800 and select option 2 and then option 1.
Or make a payment online using a debit or credit card.
The invoice we send you will show you payments you have already made and also how much you still owe.
If the amount to be paid or the payment date changes, we will let you know via your invoice. We will notify you of the amount and payment date on the invoice that we send you.
Other ways to pay
- Online - transfer money from your own online bank account to ours. The sort code is 60-60-08 and account number is 00100013. Let us know your invoice number as a reference.
- In person - visit your nearest a post office or bank. Let us know your invoice number as a reference with the Giro slip.
- By post - send cheques made payable to "Kent County Council" to the address on the back of your invoice. Please send the counterfoil from the bottom of your invoice with your cheque. Do not send cash through the post.
- By telephone with a debit or credit card - call our Income Collection Team on 03000 412 800 and select option 2 and then option 1 (9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday). Make sure to have your card and invoice number ready.
If you have any questions about your bill, tell us using our online form or call us on 03000 412 800.