Long term residential placements for older people

We procure long term residential placements for older people via agreements with preferred providers who have been vetted and ranked on the basis of quality, capability and value.

We can give you advice on choosing the right home.

However, if your preferred care home is not currently on our provider list, then please be aware that this provider must agree to our standard terms and conditions for long term residential placements for older people before any long term placement can be agreed with them.

In the first instance, the case manager will assess the needs of the person who needs the placement. A local panel will then decide if the person needs long term residential care. If it is agreed that a long term residential placement is required, the case manager will refer the case to our Arranging Support Placements Team (ASPT). If you already have a care home in mind at this stage, please let the case manager know.

The ASPT will contact the person requiring care and/or their representative to introduce themselves and gather any further information that may be required. The ASPT will also check that the person and their representatives are aware of any financial implications and that they have received financial information from their case manager.

The ASPT will use information they hold regarding the care homes to search for potential care homes that could meet the assessed level of needs and any specialist requirements. Information about care homes is available to everyone on our online care home search. A minimum of 3 care homes will be shortlisted. The list will be shared with the person requiring care and their representatives so they can choose their preferred care home.

Once a home has been chosen the ASPT will liaise with the person, their representatives and the care home to confirm price and availability of a room and to agree an admission date.

If you choose a care home which has a final weekly price above our guide price, shown in the table below, then a family member may be required to contribute to the weekly cost of the placement, through a third party top up which is payable to us. Your case manager can provide more information.

Contact us

Call your case manager for more information or email social.services@kent.gov.uk.

Need categoryGuide price (as of 8 April 2024)
Residential High £587.03
Nursing High £693.50