Easy read documents
We produce some documents in an easy read format for people with learning disabilities.
If you need information in easy read format that is not listed here contact us:
- email: alternativeformats@kent.gov.uk
- call: 03000 42 15 53.
- Adults experience – our commitment to you (PDF, 429.5 KB)
- Equality and Human Rights Policy and Objectives
- Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA) (PDF, 426.1 KB)
- Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Strategy 2020
- Kent Pathways Service guide (PDF, 1.3 MB)
- Kent and Medway Joint Transformation Planning Template (PDF, 818.0 KB)
- Local account for adult social care (PDF, 4.2 MB)
- Making a complaint, comment or compliment about adult social care (PDF, 562.2 KB)
- Mental Capacity Act - Care England
- Shared Lives user guide (PDF, 676.3 KB)
- Direct payments checklist (PDF, 301.7 KB)
- Direct payments for carers factsheet (PDF, 265.0 KB)
- Direct payments for carers factsheet - managing your direct payment records (PDF, 415.1 KB)
- Direct payments - employer relationship (PDF, 530.4 KB)
- Direct payments factsheet (PDF, 448.1 KB)
- Direct payments – employing PAs checklist (PDF, 412.4 KB)
- Adult Social Care and Health privacy notice (PDF, 828.2 KB)
- Apprenticeships privacy notice (PDF, 297.3 KB)
- Children's Social Care privacy notice (PDF, 1.4 MB)
- Early Help including Youth Justice privacy notice (PDF, 846.2 KB)
- Everyday English and Maths privacy notice (PDF, 175.6 KB)
- Family Learning privacy notice (PDF, 308.2 KB)
- Kara project privacy notice (PDF, 836.4 KB)
- Kent and Medway Care Record privacy notice (PDF, 620.5 KB)
- Safeguarding privacy notice (PDF, 784.0 KB)
- The Response Programme privacy notice (PDF, 215.3 KB)
- The Study Programmes privacy notice (PDF, 207.6 KB)
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards - a guide for relevant person's representatives (PDF, 1009.6 KB)
- How to protect yourself from abuse guide for the public (PDF, 964.6 KB)
- Safeguarding adults experience feedback form (PDF, 497.8 KB)
- Safeguarding adults - a guide to what may happen when a safeguarding adult concern is reported (PDF, 549.7 KB)
- Access to Work - gov.uk
- Accessible information standard - Mencap
- Becoming an adult booklet (PDF, 1.7 MB)
- Changes to SEND support (for young people) - Mencap
- Changes to SEND support (for parents/carers) - Mencap
- Early Years LIFT (parent guide) (PDF, 109.6 KB)
- Finding work support - Mencap
- Going to the dentist
- High needs funding for schools booklet (PDF, 342.0 KB)
- High needs funding for college booklet (PDF, 261.7 KB)
- Information, Advice and Support Kent easy read leaflets
- Mental Capacity Act - Care England
- NHS Continuing Care
- Preparing for adulthood protocol (PDF, 3.0 MB)
- SEND strategy 2021 to 2024 (PDF, 327.1 KB)
- Types of special educational needs support in college (PDF, 415.9 KB)
- Understanding sexuality and relationships - Mencap
- What happens when your child visits a hospital - Kent CHT
- Visiting a hospital if I have coronavirus - Mencap