Admissions criteria consultation 2026/27

Own admission authority schools

Own admission authority schools can make their own admissions related decisions. These schools can include:

  • voluntary aided schools
  • foundation schools
  • academies
  • free schools.

These schools are required to publicly consult before changes can be made. Those listed below are proposing changes. Responses to proposed changes should be directed to the school. If the school you are interested in is not listed below, check with the school directly as they may be planning to consult in the near future.

This page will be regularly updated from October 2024.

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Kent County Council schools

The schools listed below are consulting on changes to their admission arrangements for 2026. Email if you have any questions.


All Kent County Council community and voluntary controlled primary, infant and junior schools are consulting on their admission arrangements for 2026.

Read the full consultation document (PDF, 3.7 MB).

The following schools are proposing changes to their admission arrangements:

  • Bodsham Church of England Primary School (reduce published admissions number to 10)
  • Downs View Infant School (reduce published admissions number to 60)
  • Guston Church of England Primary School (reduce published admissions number to 20 and addition of service pupil premium criterion)
  • Herne Bay Infant School (reduce published admissions number to 60)
  • Sevenoaks Primary School (reduce published admissions number to 60)
  • Tunbury Primary School (reduce published admissions number to 60)
  • Woodlands Primary School (reduce published admissions number to 60).


No Kent County Council secondary schools have provided their admission arrangements for consultation.