SEND Joint Commissioning Approach

SEND Joint Commissioning Approach is a key part to our SEND service improvement. It will have an important part to play in the delivery of our priorities.

Our strategy allows partners who commission education, health and care provisions to:

  • plan services
  • deliver services
  • deliver positive outcomes to children and young people.

It also sets out how strong leadership, and good governance between us, the NHS and key partners can:

  • set standards designed to support continuous improvements
  • reflect, benchmark and peer review across the partner organisations.

Read our SEND Joint Commissioning Approach (PDF, 338.1 KB).

SEND joint funding process

The SEND joint funding process provides guidance and protocols for professionals across education, health and social care to secure appropriate joint funding for children and young people with SEND or children in care in Kent.

For more information, contact your social worker or read: