Developer Contributions Guide

Our Developer Contributions Guide is for:

  • local authorities
  • parish councils
  • developers
  • landowners
  • interested parties.

It gives an overview of the contributions we may expect if you're planning a new development. We'll use your contributions to make sure our infrastructure and services can support new housing.

Read our Developer Contributions Guide (PDF, 537.4 KB).

Calculate your contributions

Use our development contributions calculator (XLSX, 26.6 KB).

How we calculate your contributions

  1. Adult Social Care (PDF, 105.9 KB)
  2. Community Learning and Skills (PDF, 134.1 KB)
  3. Development contributions calculator (XLSX, 26.6 KB)
  4. Education - overview (PDF, 148.2 KB)
  5. Early Years Education and Childcare Provision (PDF, 109.0 KB)
  6. Primary and secondary education (PDF, 139.8 KB)
  7. Special educational needs and disabilities (PDF, 133.9 KB)
  8. General transfer terms - school sites (PDF, 124.2 KB)
  9. New school site and sport pitch sizes (PDF, 78.5 KB)
  10. Example education assessment - primary and secondary (PDF, 137.0 KB)
  11. Example build and land contributions (PDF, 113.3 KB)
  12. Flood Risk Management and Sustainable Drainage (PDF, 113.6 KB)
  13. Heritage and Archaeology - Community Archaeology Provision (PDF, 166.9 KB)
  14. Highways and Transportation (PDF, 109.9 KB)
  15. Integrated Children’s Services - Youth Services/Early Years Service (PDF, 131.0 KB)
  16. Libraries, Registration and Archives (PDF, 148.4 KB)
  17. Public Rights of Way (PDF, 119.0 KB)
  18. Waste Disposal and Recycling (PDF, 357.8 KB)

Who to contact

Get advice on planning applications that may affect the highway or email for any other developer contribution queries.