ParkingDogs allowedViewpointsRest pointPicnic areaHorse ridingCycling
Opening hours
open all hours (Car park is locked at dusk)
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DA13 0UB
Tonbridge & Malling

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Holly Hill is a beautiful area of peaceful, unspoilt beech and yew woodland (the name is thought to come from a corruption of ‘Holy Hill’) that commands views over the Medway to the east.
On a sunny day, from the concrete ‘trig point’ that still remains at the top of the hill, you can sometimes also see as far as Canary Wharf in London. At 196 metres above sea level, this is one of the highest points in Kent.
At 17.7 acres Holly Hill isn’t large, but the sense of isolation and tranquillity engendered by its hilltop location more than make up for its small size.
Holly Hill is now part of the ‘Valley of Visions’, a Heritage Lottery funded Landscape Partnership Scheme launched recently by the Kent Downs Area of Natural Beauty.
This scheme aims to conserve and protect the valley’s habitats and heritage features, and to reconnect people to this impressive landscape.
Holly Hill is situated on the North Downs just off the road between Birling and Vigo. For visitors arriving by car the site is well sign posted and there is a small on-site car park. Car parking is free, but the car park is locked at night.

Easy access information

This park and open space contains uneven trails, un-surfaced or narrow pathways. Also, there are width restricting features, such as stiles and narrow gaps making it difficult for visitors with pushchairs and/or wheelchairs to access some parts of the site.

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